Whoever says women are being oppressed as a gender should please get a seat and read this as I intend to trash a lot off issues out on this.
The society we live in embraces the idea that a man has to toil, laboring to feed and cater for his family. Even religion does not dispute that fact. So I quite agree
But I still cannot comprehend why a young unmarried woman would sit, relax and wait for a man to sweat his blood on her table. Not saying that a man cannot render favors to a woman not his wife, but favor it should be considered not responsibilities.
Even if married, it is still not fair for men having to be the only one who have to face the struggles of life all alone
Matters of fact, most women have resorted to gold digging, mining and extorting money and resources from men. Most of who have been emotionally blackmailed
Yes, Blackmail in that our generation of females have associated masculinity to being able to provide for a woman. Therefore they dole out praises only to men who are able to meet their needs
Now, what do the manipulated men get in return? Sexual gratification!
The feminine genders have manipulated men even to the extent of controlling their sexuality. So any man who needs his libido satisfied must bend to the wills of a woman
Even after having a well established system of masculine manipulation, these selfish power-driven women are on a quest for gender equality, an attempt to totally usurp men of their divinely appointed role of headship
While preaching gender equality, many fail to visualize the negative result of this ideology on men and in fact, the society. The more attempt to leverage the rights given to women, the lesser right a man has. It’s more like taking from one and giving to another. This has led to social disaster on our society
These include:
1. Decline in marriages.
2. Abuse of sex
3. Loss of jobs for men who are mostly disfavored where a woman is a competitor owing to their sexual power and manipulation
4. Sexual assaults against men ignored or taken less seriously compared to women
5. Lack of sympathy for men in cases of domestic violence from women
6. Girl child being more favored while a boy is ignored
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