After much persuasion, Segun handed a lit stick to him ‘just try it out, it’ll make you feel good’ he said
Juwon stood motionless a second, staring at the cigarette in his hand. Caught in-between two choices.
Would he give in to the snares of curiosity and peer pressure or would he stand his ground against being pushed to go contrary to his moral and religious standards? He took a deep breath off the “stick of death”, handed it over, simultaneously exhaling little of the smoke from his mouth and nose.
Segun who was amazed clapped his hands. ‘wow, that was awesome’ he said.
Juwon on the other hand enjoyed the sensation he felt and requested for another try which was met with favor. Before long, he finished two sticks of cigarettes. That was just the beginning of a new page in his life, a life of an addicted smoker.
Like Juwon, most people start smoking as teenagers and are addicted by the time they reach adulthood. If you ask around, it is a habit that is difficult to break. But the question is, why do people smoke?
Most young people smoke as a result of peer pressure. They want to fit in. they want to be acceptable to their friends. Some smoke just because they want to look mature. They see adults smoke, they also want to do same. While others venture into smoking to experience the excitement derived from experimenting with something that is considered forbidden by their parents or the society.
Adults smoke for other reasons which may include stress and pressures from work, or due to economic and personal problems. So smoke to gain energy or feel relaxed while going through hard times. Some people also smoke because it gives them pleasure. It just makes them feel good.
Whatever your Excuse for smoking is, careful consideration of its far reaching effects on your physical and mental wellbeing might prompt you to withdraw.
Consider these:
Smoking results in more deaths than the combinations of HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, vehicle and firearms related accidents altogether
It is harder for women who smoke to get pregnant and it can affect the baby’s health before and after birth
Smokers are more likely to develop heart diseases, stroke, lung cancer, and diabetes than nonsmokers
It affects the health of teeth causing tooth loss.
These health hazards might not strike you on paper but trust me, going through just one of these might be worse than hell.
Apart from your physical health, smoking also goes as far as affecting your mental wellbeing. Nicotine addiction has very interesting effects on day by day stress. Many smokers use cigarettes as a means of stress relief which is ironic as smoking causes much of the stress in the first place
This is the chemistry:
Nicotine stimulates the release of the chemical ‘dopamine’ in the brain. Dopamine is involved in triggering positive feelings. When you smoke, you temporarily increase your dopamine supply and that sweet sensation is felt. However, production of dopamine through smoking encourages the brain to switch off its own mechanism to produce the chemical. So in the long run, dopamine supply decreases.
There’s no smoker on earth who doesn't become irritable when they go without nicotine for hours unending. This anger causes them to be hurtful towards loved ones and strangers, act reckless or
even harm themselves. Before you know it results in stress, anxiety and worst of it, depression.
As you can see, smoking and nicotine addiction have far reaching effects on your mental and physical health. Would you rather give a short term pleasure in exchange for a long term suffering? This is More reason to break free.
Though immediate withdrawal might be painful but it is worth a lifetime of stress, anxiety, depression and physical health hazards.
Bite the bullet now and quit smoking, or IT WILL BURN YOU!
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